Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are You Just Another Hothead?

BIOPRO Cell Chips are a clear solution to this problem.

When you talk on your mobile phone don't you get worried when your ear starts to heat up? Can't you just feel in your bones, this just can't be good for me!

This is a thermographic study showing how hot your face and ear get after just 15 minutes of cell phone usage.

The following is another thermographic study of the same person after 15 minutes of cell phone usage, only this time with a BIOPRO Cell Chip in place.

Notice the tissue colors have changed from orange and red to green and blue. When BIOPRO Cell Chips are applied to a cell phone, potentially hazardous heat transfer to your head is virtually eliminated.

Don't be a hothead! Stay cool with a BIOPRO Cell Chip.

Get the protection you deserve!

Order your chips here!

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