Thursday, November 27, 2008

Smartest Water on the Block

Simply put, i-H2O™ does what no other water does. Through the proprietary, patented MRET® (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology) it alters the molecular structure of water without any foreign or chemical substance being introduced into the water. Coupled with BIOPRO’s proprietary ERT™ (Energy Resonance Technology), which imprints a vital subtle energy signature into the water, i-H2O™ represents a major scientific breakthrough in water technology. Through a sophisticated, scientifically proven activation process, i-H2O™ transforms the molecular structure of the water to closely resemble the natural geomagnetic field found near healing water springs. i-H2O™ thereby delivers health benefits so convincing that space agency researchers are looking to use it on lunar settlements and space missions in the future.

The SECRET'S OUT: i-H2O™ is too good, not to be true!

i-H2O™ Benefits

i-H20™ is a high-tech activation unit for your household that intelligently activates pure drinking water or any other liquid like milk, juice, wine and oils, unlocking their most powerful health and wellness secrets. Ordinary types of water just don’t compare!

  • Helps hydrate cells three times faster than ordinary water
  • Assists improvements in cellular function
  • Aids absorption deeply into veins and capillaries
  • Helps improve circulatory system
  • Promotes powerful antioxident effects
  • Supports vital cell communication
  • Aids in promoting healthy intestinal flora
  • Supports acceleration of nutrient and vitamin availability
  • Strong bactericidal effect and enhances immune response.
Read More (Click Learn More About iH2O)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are You Just Another Hothead?

BIOPRO Cell Chips are a clear solution to this problem.

When you talk on your mobile phone don't you get worried when your ear starts to heat up? Can't you just feel in your bones, this just can't be good for me!

This is a thermographic study showing how hot your face and ear get after just 15 minutes of cell phone usage.

The following is another thermographic study of the same person after 15 minutes of cell phone usage, only this time with a BIOPRO Cell Chip in place.

Notice the tissue colors have changed from orange and red to green and blue. When BIOPRO Cell Chips are applied to a cell phone, potentially hazardous heat transfer to your head is virtually eliminated.

Don't be a hothead! Stay cool with a BIOPRO Cell Chip.

Get the protection you deserve!

Order your chips here!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


You may be putting yourself at risk with every call. There is a cumulative effect from Electro-magnetic Radiation - - but you can make your cell phone safe! Learn about the new technological discovery introduced exclusively by BIOPRO Technology that you can add to your phone. Protect yourself and your loved ones today!

Are YOU at Risk?
Do you use a cell phone?
Do you use a cordless phone?
Do you use a computer?
Do your children use GameBoy / PlayStation?
Do you use a microwave oven?

What experts are saying...
Spanish scientists have discovered that a cell phone call lasting two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain for up to one hour afterwords.
Source: Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute
"Electromagnetic pollution (EMF) may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible."
Andrew Weil, M.D.


For products proven to make you safe - BIOPRO Products

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What Pregnant Woman Should Know

Results from a new study suggest cell phones may pose some health risks to a pregnant woman's developing baby. Before you toss out your wireless, find out exactly what those risks may be.

When you're pregnant ,you try everything you can to ensure your unborn baby's health. You avoid certain activities that might be harmful to your developing child—no hot tubs, scuba diving, or alcohol. But should you add cell phones to the list?

According to a study appearing in the July 2008 edition of Epidemiology, researchers found evidence that pregnant women who used handset cell phones, which generate low levels of non-ionizing radiation, were more likely to have children with behavior issues after birth.

Full Article

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cell Phones as Bad as X-rays!

Would you allow 1600 chest x-rays for yourself or your children?

Some scientists say that’s what 24 hours of cell phone use amounts to. Here's visual proof.

Slide one (top left) shows a normal healthy cell under magnification. This cell is a bright energetic little orb with its DNA and other genetic materials safely inside the cell membrane.

Slide two (top right) shows a living cell exposed to 1600 chest X-rays. This cell is shrunken and has lost its energetic brightness. There is a comet trail of fragmented DNA particles, visible streaming out of the cell. These DNA fragments are called micronuclei, typical mutations from excessive X-rays, or from gamma waves of nuclear detonation.

Slide three (bottom) shows a cell exposed to 24 hours of cell phone radiation. Its comet tail of micronuclei damage is virtually identical to that of 1600 chest x-rays.

The frequency used was 1.8 gigahertz (1800 megahertz), typical cell phone frequencies are around 1.9 gigahertz (and also from many household cordless phones).

The power level used to micronucleate this photograph was 1.3 W/k Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). SAR is the calculated amount of energy absorbed by the human body from microwave phones. Many cell phones produce MORE power than that.

KIDS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED CELL PHONES. Instead, they live with them like a second appendage.