Thursday, May 21, 2009

What are you doing to improve your health?

It is late May and I am sure 95% or more of the New Year's Resolutions chanted January 1st are long gone. What is not gone is the fact that our health is a gift and something to be guarded. So I ask, what are you doing to improve your health?

I am trying to eat better (organic, real food not processed, more good water (see iH2O system in earlier blog), better rest, regular exercise, and a more positive attitude.

Of course, I do everything I can to eliminate the dangers of EMF. Here are simple steps in a prioritized list:

- Cell Phone must have a BioPro chip
- BioLife pendant on your body to protect from all the other sources of EMF
- Home Harmonizer for your home, a big source of EMF pollution
- Great nutrition, when you fall short take BioProduce (pure fruits & veggies in a capsule form

There are many other protective steps like good water, exercise, sweating out toxins in a good sauna, etc.

Come back soon and look for more helpful information!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Study shows cell phone dangers, even with hands-free devices

The National Safety Council called last week for a national statewide ban on all cell phone use while driving - even hands-free systems like Bluetooth devices.

A new nationwide study by David Strayer, director of the Applied Cognition Laboratory at the University of Utah, states that drivers talking on a cell phone were four times as likely to be in an accident as those who were not - the same as if they had been drinking.