More and more proof is revealed everyday. Cell phones are not a safe as people had thought. Join in on the discussion concerning cell phone safety, EMF pollution, and other health issues.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Best Possible Protection!!!!!
• The Noise Field/MRET stops cell membrane damage from occurring by creating a low energy, low oscillation signal that masks the information-carrying wave signal that triggers the biological mechanism leading to health effects. The cell membrane simply is unable to recognize the combined wave.
• The ERT restores intercellular communication by stimulating microtubule communication vessels between cells. This returns the physiologic systems to higher efficiency, rendering immune response and other protections more viable.
• The nutritionals repair damage that has already occurred, and over time, have the capacity to reduce the risk that is residual from the EMR exposure back to pre-exposure levels.
• This is as good as is gets in terms of health effect intervention.
• The substantiation is as good as it gets in terms of openly published supportive science. This needs to be put into the context that the supportive science supporting FDA approved drugs and devices is always kept confidential for "proprietary" reasons. The information supporting these technologies is in the open for everyone to see.
• is a comprehensive resource with peer-reviewed papers addressing the efficacy of Noise Field/MRET, ERT and nutritional interventions included in the bundles. Note that the website is presented in scientific/medical currency, so it is unrealistic for those not trained in biological sciences and medicine to expect to sort through all of the nuances of studies presented on the site. The site as a search capability: go to directory and choose 'research reports'; then, on the top menu, select 'search articles'. The best key words to use for Biopro products are: Noise Field; MRET; ERT; nutritionals.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Our Children Are At Great Risk

Children as young as 8 years old are regularly using cell phones.
Cell phone ownership has been trending downward in age. Some of your child's friends may have one already. Should you join in?
Most developmental experts agree that the longer you can hold off on a phone for a child, the better. Of growing concern is the possible association between cell phone use and brain tumors. Children who grow up using cell phones have that many more years of usage, and the cumulative effects are uncertain. Read the FULL ARTICLE
By the time these children are 35 years old, leading health professionals are predicting that they will be suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrigs disease, Alzheimers, and more.
Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR or sometimes known by its safer name, EMF) has been linked to causing DNA damage. This is now GENERATIONAL folks. Read More
BIOPRO products actually aid in repairing damaged DNA. Here is a wonderful explanation of the three tiered protection offered by BIOPRO products. Read More
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words
Well, why write any more? Here you go:

Cell phone without protection surrounded by various types of seeds.

Cell Phone with BIOPRO protection chip surrounded by the exact same type of seeds.

No protection phone after 12 days of growth. Notice, there is not much growth at all.

BIOPRO protection phone after 12 days of growth. Notice the difference.
Lets look a little closer. Keep in mind that both of these photos are the same type of seeds after the exact same amount of time (12 days). One cell phone without protection and one with a BIOPRO cell chip attached. Again, let the pictures say the rest!

No Protection

Protection - BIOPRO Protection
By a chip for your cell phone today - just click BIOPRO Cell Chips
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Holidays Are Over!

Well folks, the holidays cobbled up my time so I have not posted in a while. I just wanted to share some short thoughts on EMF dangers, cell phone concerns, and general questions about BIOPRO.
I have been doing a lot of research lately and if you spend the time, you can find all kinds of information about anything. I have been trying to respond to a few people questioning BIOPRO products.
I am so tired of reading things that people post saying our products do "not" do what we say they will do. Here is my concern, no one out there can back those concerns with any kind of research or testing. Why? Because they do work!
BIOPRO has many test, studies, research laboratories, and schools that have substantiated our claims. Just click "validation" and see what is on my website. I would not get involved with a company that makes bogus products.
If you are interested in making some extra money or if your interested in replacing your current income, you have to check into this "opportunity."