Cell phones have never been proven safe and were entered into the marketplace without any pre-testing to certify they were safe. It is mandatory for every consumer product that will be purchased in the
Read more at www.realcellphonedangers.com
More and more proof is revealed everyday. Cell phones are not a safe as people had thought. Join in on the discussion concerning cell phone safety, EMF pollution, and other health issues.
Cell phones have never been proven safe and were entered into the marketplace without any pre-testing to certify they were safe. It is mandatory for every consumer product that will be purchased in the
Read more at www.realcellphonedangers.com
PART 4: Wi-Fi Emits Radio Frequencies
Wireless connections emit radio frequency signals, or radiation, just
like cell phones, cell phone towers and other wireless devices. Wi-Fi
usually transmits its signal at frequencies in the range of 2.4GHz to
5 GHz. Cordless phones often transmit in the 2.4GHz to 5 GHz range,
too, and this often causes the cordless phone to interfere with a
wireless internet connection to a nearby computer. The Wi-Fi frequency
is considerably higher than the frequencies used for cell
phones which operate in the 850 MHz to 1900 MHz range. This
higher frequency allows more data to be carried. However, as
we'll see later, it is not the frequency of the signal that
does the damage to our health. So the higher Wi-Fi frequency
isn't really the issue at all when it comes to health
PART 5: Wi-Fi Hotspots Now In Schools
Wi-Fi has become popular in the home, office, the airport and coffee
shops. Many cities are now installing "hot spots" where one can take a
laptop computer and freely access the Internet over the provided
network. This is what is known as a "hot spot." It's a place to make a
wireless connection to the Internet. And they are springing up
everywhere. Entire cities are becoming wireless allowing one to
connect to the Internet from anywhere in the city. And due to the ease
of convenience Wi-Fi connections in schools are now becoming quite
popular, too. No longer are computers hard-wired to a connection in a
classroom. Connections are now virtual and allow the user,
student or teacher, the freedom to connect anywhere in the
school without the burden of being restricted by cable
PART 2: What exactly is Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi is a common term that stands for 'wireless fidelity.' It simply means that a computer can access the Internet without wires or cables.
In other words, it allows one to have a wireless connection to the Internet. It's like taking a cell phone base station and placing it in your home, schoolroom or office area. Wi-Fi is basically the same type of connection as used to operate a cell phone. It's a product of convenience as it allows one to access the Internet with a desktop or
laptop computer without the need for connecting cables. Moving from room to room with a laptop computer and no cables is a nice convenience although it certainly isn't a necessity.
By Lynn Quiring
PART 1: The hot new craze in Internet access is Wi-Fi and its soon-to- be big
brother Wi-Max. Wi-Fi is a wireless connection that allows users to
access the Internet without the computer being connected to a cable.
And yes, it's very convenient. Imagine walking from the sofa to the
bedroom with your laptop and never loosing your connection. Imagine
the freedom and flexibility afforded schools and office workers. No
more ugly bothersome cables to tie you down. You're free to roam the Internet with your fingers while roaming your home, school or office with your feet. Freedom to move and freedom to surf. Perfect for the individual who is on the go and up to date with the latest
technology. You can even have free Internet access at your
local coffee shop. Same for airports.
Environmental Toxins and their Impact on Skin Aging
Over a period of time of your skin constantly being exposed to damaging environmental factors, free radicals are produced. They are known to feed off of naturally occurring antioxidants found within the body. L.A. based dermatologist Jessica Wu, MD says the following about free radicals: “Excessive free-radical exposure damages the skin by destroying DNA (damaged DNA is responsible for pre-cancers and skin cancer) and cell membranes that help keep the skin intact, plump and firm. When cell membranes are disrupted or destroyed, skin cells can no longer perform their normal functions like processing nutrients and eliminating waste products,” says Los Angeles dermatologist Jessica Wu, MD. Pollution can also trigger inflammation and activate the enzymes that destroy collagen and elastic tissue, resulting in thin, wrinkled, rough, and blotchy skin. “Some people notice that their skin reacts to pollution exposure in just a few days, saying that it looks dry, irritated or broken out. Changes in the environment can definitely affect the health and appearance of your skin,” she says.
The BIOPRO Cell Chip combines the benefits of two powerful, innovative and scientifically substantiated technologies: the proprietary patented MRET shield technology, and the proprietary subtle energy innovation ERT. Individually and collectively, these cutting-edge technologies offer an effective and scientifically validated way to deal with the cumulative stress associated with living in today’s electronic environment.
1) MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology):New laws cracking down on children's use of mobile phones are to be introduced in France amid growing fears that they may cause cancer and other diseases.
All advertising of the devices to children under 12 is to be prohibited under the legislation – announced by the Environment Minister, Jean-Louis Borloo, last week – and he will also take powers to ban the sale of any phone designed to be used by those under six.
The French government will also introduce new limits for radiation from the phones and make it compulsory for handsets to be sold with earphones, so that users can avoid irradiating their heads and brains. And one of the country's largest cities last month started an advertising campaign to discourage the use of the phones by children.
HENRY LAI HAS A VIVID RECOLLECTION OF HIS INTRODUCTION to the politics of big science. It was 1994, and he had just received a message from the National Institutes of Health, which was funding work he was doing on the effects of microwave radiation, similar to that emitted by cellular phones, on the brain. He and UW colleague Narendra "N.P." Singh had results indicating that the radiation could cause DNA damage in brain cells.
The news was apparently unwelcome in some quarters.
Someone had called the NIH to report that Lai was misusing his research funding by doing work not specified in the grant (the grant didn't mention DNA). And the agency wanted to know what was going on.
"It really scared the hell out of me," says Lai, a research professor in the UW's Department of Bioengineering who earned his Ph.D. from the UW in 1977. "I was awake all night, worrying about it, wondering what to do."
Cell phone ownership has been trending downward in age. Some of your child's friends may have one already. Should you join in?
Most developmental experts agree that the longer you can hold off on a phone for a child, the better. Of growing concern is the possible association between cell phone use and brain tumors. Children who grow up using cell phones have that many more years of usage, and the cumulative effects are uncertain. Read the FULL ARTICLE
By the time these children are 35 years old, leading health professionals are predicting that they will be suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrigs disease, Alzheimers, and more.
Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR or sometimes known by its safer name, EMF) has been linked to causing DNA damage. This is now GENERATIONAL folks. Read More
BIOPRO products actually aid in repairing damaged DNA. Here is a wonderful explanation of the three tiered protection offered by BIOPRO products. Read More