I am amazed at some people's reactions to the growing concern over cell phone use. Many times I hear the response, "I don't believe they are harmful", or "Where's the proof".
If you are old enough to remember both the tobacco and asbestos episodes you will remember that people did not believe there was a problem with each of these.
It took time, money, and research but the end result was a confirmation of the original concerns. Folks, please don't wait till the time, money, and research on cell phone dangers has been spent. By then the damage will have been done and loved ones may have already died.
I plan to feature some of the current research available, such as the following:
2-Year Study Finds Possible
Cell Phone Danger To Brain
By Victoria Fletcher
Consumer Correspondent
- Radiation from mobile phones causes changes in the brain which could pose risks to health, an authoritative two-year study has concluded.
- In ground-breaking research on the effects of radiation on the brain - which has for the first time used human cells rather than rats - scientists found that even low-level emissions from handsets affects cells.
- They believe the changes could disable a safety barrier in the body which is meant to protect the brain from harmful substances in the blood. The scientists are now calling for further research to discover how important the effects on health might be.
- The study, conducted by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, found that exposing human cells to one hour of mobile phone radiation triggered a response which normally only occurs when cells are being damaged.
- This led the cells which make up blood vessel walls to shrink, allowing tiny molecules to pass through into brain tissue.
. Make the right decision!