Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cell Concerns! Another Tobacco or Asbestos Nightmare?

I am amazed at some people's reactions to the growing concern over cell phone use. Many times I hear the response, "I don't believe they are harmful", or "Where's the proof".

If you are old enough to remember both the tobacco and asbestos episodes you will remember that people did not believe there was a problem with each of these.

It took time, money, and research but the end result was a confirmation of the original concerns. Folks, please don't wait till the time, money, and research on cell phone dangers has been spent. By then the damage will have been done and loved ones may have already died.

I plan to feature some of the current research available, such as the following:
2-Year Study Finds Possible
Cell Phone Danger To Brain

By Victoria Fletcher
Consumer Correspondent
Radiation from mobile phones causes changes in the brain which could pose risks to health, an authoritative two-year study has concluded.

In ground-breaking research on the effects of radiation on the brain - which has for the first time used human cells rather than rats - scientists found that even low-level emissions from handsets affects cells.

They believe the changes could disable a safety barrier in the body which is meant to protect the brain from harmful substances in the blood. The scientists are now calling for further research to discover how important the effects on health might be.

The study, conducted by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, found that exposing human cells to one hour of mobile phone radiation triggered a response which normally only occurs when cells are being damaged.

This led the cells which make up blood vessel walls to shrink, allowing tiny molecules to pass through into brain tissue.

. Make the right decision!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scientists Warn Congress About Cell Phones and Cancer

Two scientists told the U.S. House Subcommittee on Domestic Policy that use of cell phones may raise the risk of brain cancer. The concern came from Dr. Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and Dr. David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany.

The two scientists cited a major study recently presented by Dr. Lennart Hardell of Örebro University in Sweden, which stated that people using cell phones doubled their risk of developing brain cancer and acoustic neuromas, a tumor that damage the hearing nerve.

Full Article (Mercola.com)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

EMF Dangers!! Can You Escape Them Today?

Using Wi-fi has Cost Me My Life
Sunday Express (UK), August 5, 2007 (pp 50-51)

With teacher’s chiefs urging the Government to suspend the use of wi-fi networks in the classroom until their safety has been definitely confirmed, Joani Walsh reports on the symptoms of electrosensitivity and talks to the victims who say that their lives have been devastated by the effects of wireless technology.

Case Study

FAISAL KHAWAJA, 28, above, trained in photography and had been assisting a professional advertising photographer -working for clients such as Mercedes, BT and Starbucks -for only a year when he says he began to feel ill using mobiles and wireless laptops.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Taiwanese Government Urged to Act to Dissuade Teenagers from using Cell Phones

These kinds of warnings are popping up all around the world. There are many countries starting to act on the very real concern of cell phone radiation.

"A civic group urged the government Tuesday to take action to dissuade children and teenagers from using mobile phones out of concern over possible electro-magnetic radiation hazards."

I am old enough to remember to early stages of the tobacco wars. In the beginning I distinctly remember people saying, "oh, smoking doesn't hurt you", and then over time people had their eyes opened.

A very similar thing happened with asbestos. How many drugs have the FDA approved only to find out years later they were not safe? Too many for my book!

Read the full article below and share stories you come across here!

Full Article

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Read Your Cell Phone Owwners Manual!!!!


My phone (HTC Tilt) Says:
  • The Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that a minimum separation of six inches be maintained between a handheld wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker.
  • Avoid using your device near metal structures (for example, the steel frame of a building).Mine says "do not hold your phone within one inch from your head"
  • As with other mobile radio transmitting equipment, users are advised that for satisfactory operation of the equipment and for the safety of personnel, it is recommended that no part of the human body be allowed to come too close to the antenna during operation of the equipment.
  • Do not touch or hold the antenna area unnecessarily when placing or receiving a phone call.
Palm Centro Says:
  • Your phone is basically a radio transmitter and receiver. When it’s turned on, it receives and transmits radiofrequency (RF) signals. When you use your phone, the system handling your call controls the power level. This power can range from 0.006 watts to 0.2 watts in digital mode.
  • To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear a handset on your body, use the Palm-supplied or -approved carrying case, holster, or other body-worn accessory. Use of non-Palm-approved accessories may violate FCC RF exposure guidelines. Be sure to use an accessory that contains NO metal (snaps, clips, etc.) and provides AT LEAST 1.5 cm of separation between the users body and the unit.

Take a look at your manual and share what you find. This should be interesting.